Steve Fracol, SOC – “Scandal”

I will sum up Scandal Season 4 with one word, CRAZY!
During the 4th season of most shows that are doing well it would seem normal for the crew to be doing less hours and everything simplified as if on cruise control. Scandal has been anything but that. We have worked harder, longer and the storylines have gotten even more complex. The schedule and volume of pages to be shot has us working at least 6 weekends this season, but to stay on top, you gotta earn it – so hard work is a must.
And I can say this… The entire crew, especially our camera department, has the same drive for perfection that we have had since the show began. These people deliver the goods. If it was me alone on Scandal, I would never have received this nomination. I give credit to the entire camera crew and our dolly grips because together we make a pretty damn good team. Thanks for your support!